Camp Schedule

We will be sending out a detailed schedule to folks closer to camp. However, we’d love to give you an overview of a day at WMWC camp so you know what to expect. A typical camp day could look like this:


8AM Breakfast

10-1PM Paths

1:30PM Lunch

3:15PM Evening Ritual Planning & Optional Offerings Time

Each afternoon will be filled (often over flowing) with one-off optional offerings.  Frequently focused on specific skills or topics of conversation, these offerings are a free-for-all and everyone is empowered to offer something!

Also in the afternoon, campers will be encouraged to help plan the camp-wide rituals.  A Ritual Facilitation team will be supporting this collaborative work. We are striving to have our rituals as camper-led as possible.

4:30  Affinity Group Meetings

6-7PM: Dinner

8-10PM: Evening Ritual

Each evening, we will gather as a camp for an evening ritual.  Facilitated by everyone, and with the support of a Ritual Facilitation team, these rituals will guide us through the camp’s story.

We’ve tried to build in lots of time between things for you to relax and process, nap, take some time to explore the beautiful landscape around you, swim in the cold Atlantic waters, or build relationships with your fellow campers.